Let's go to Ololosokwan!



Let's go to Ololosokwan!

This time we will be going on a rock-climbing/bouldering/parkour exercise in the wild.

Join us as we go all the way to Ololosokwan, an area close to Ngong, where there used to be a river that drained water out of Ngong Hills. We will be going to the beautiful gorge that the river left behind when it dried up and our route will be first to the bottom of the river followed by an energizing climb up to the river's top using all our four limbs!

The fare will total to about Ksh. 400 and there is a registration fee of Ksh 500 to cater to the guides. 

If interested in this kindly reach out for the link to the hiking group.

Pay the registration fee through our Till no -> 8132466 - and contact us once you do.

Contact 0798694000 for more information.