Upcoming Qwani Events

There are no upcoming events currently.

Past Qwani Events

Let's hike at Kariminu!

Let's hike at Kariminu!


May 25th 2024, 8:00am

Join us for our monthly hike on the 25th of May from 8 am to 3 pm, as we visit the Kariminu Waterfall which is near the border between Thika & Murang'a. The trail has 2 waterfalls and a pineapple plantation.
If the rain has subsided, we'll actually be able to swim in one of the waterfalls so come prepared!

The fare will total to Ksh.450 and is payable, on the hike day. Additionally, there is a fee of Ksh 250 to cater to the guides.  

If interested in this kindly reach out for the link to the hiking group or click here.

Pay the guide fee only (Ksh.250) through our Paybill: 247247 Account no: 948742 and contact us once you do.

Contact 0798694000 for more information.

Qwani X Uzima Sketch Tour

Qwani X Uzima Sketch Tour

Kenya Railways Museum

May 19th 2024, 11:00am

This time, our tour will be at the Kenya Railways Museum as a continuation of our previous tour around the area. We will learn the History of the Uganda Railway/Lunatic Express first-hand, with images from back then, and then sketch it all.

All you need to come with is a sketchbook and a pen. You don't have to be skilled at all, since we're doing this for fun :D

The entry fee to the museum is Ksh. 200 for adults and Ksh. 100 for students (with ID), and is paid via Ecitizen, therefore, be prepared.

Everyone is welcome so don't miss out!

Contact 0798694000 for more information

Qwani Fun Day!

Qwani Fun Day!

Village Market

May 18th 2024, 12:00pm

On Saturday the 18th, we'll be heading over to Ballpoint Social Club at Village Market, where one pays Ksh 500, and you get to play for the whole day. There are board games, Jenga, Darts & Table Tennis. 

Additionally, there is a pool table and ping-pong but these are charged separately.

Afterwards, if there are interested parties, we could go bowling as well.

For this, we will be meeting up in town, then head to Village Market together but if close to the area, you can head straight there.

Don't miss out!

Contact 0798694000 for more information.